1% For The Planet & Plumeria Bay

We Support One Percent For The Planet


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As a member of 1% For The Planet, we pledge to give 1% of every sale to 1% For The Planet and to selected approved nonprofit partners working in important areas of local and global concern, including Climate, Food, Land, Pollution, Water and Wildlife.


One of the really cool things about 1% For The Planet is their giving model.  They allow us to choose where our contributions go from their extensive choice of nonprofit partners. Check out their directory and let us know if there is a partner that you would like to see us support!


For 2023, our 1% For The Planet donations went to the Skagit Land Trust and the Seattle Aquarium.


For 2022,  our 1% For The Planet donation went entirely to World Central Kitchen.  They do amazing work, providing emergency food relief around the world, from war torn Ukraine to communities here in the U.S. affected by tornadoes and other disasters.


For 2021, we continued with our approach of supporting basic needs to help nourish our planet, and its people. Here's the list of organizations that you have helped support in 2021 through our membership with 1% For The Planet:


Washington Trails Association

Puget Soundkeeper Alliance

San Francisco Baykeeper

Tilth Alliance

Viva Farms

Whidbey Island Nourishes

Oregon Food Bank


Thank You!


2020 was a year that will go down in the history books, for a lot of reasons.  So, since this was a different kind of year, our focus was also a little different.  We decided to direct more of our giving to non-profits in the One Percent For The Planet network that help with basic needs, such as food.  Here's who we (and you) have supported: 


We continue our support of Washington Trails Association.  Outdoor activity became even more important in 2020, and our hiking trails became even busier!  


Foodbank of Santa Barbara County


2nd Harvest Food Bank


Heifer International 


2019 was our 1st year partnering with 1% For The Planet.  Here's who we've decided to support:


Washington Trails Association:  We live in an amazing area, right next to Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest.  During the Fall and Winter we experience some very big storms that roll in off the Pacific ocean.  Trees get blown down, rivers flood and trails get washed away.  Without the constant work the Washington Trails Association does to repair and maintain the untold miles of trails that thread through our mountains, these trails would be gone in a generation.


The people that volunteer their time with the Washington Trails Association to repair these trails, not just here but all over Washington State, to keep them open for the people that come from all over the word to visit and experience our beautiful Cascade Mountains, are heroes in my book.  Thank you Washington Trails Association!


Marine Conservation Institute:  These folks do very important work to help protect one of our planet's most important, and vast, resource: The Ocean.  This paragraph is small, but the issues the Marine Conservation Institute deals with are hugely important.  If you have the time, please click on the link above to learn more about the Marine Conservation Institute, and perhaps even join us in supporting them. 


Wild Fish Conservancy:  I tend to think of our regions salmonids (salmon & steelhead trout) as the proverbial "canary in the coal mine".  As our region grows, producing more pollution and turning pristine habitat into shopping malls, and as our climate and ocean waters warm and become more acidic, our wild (non hatchery) salmon and steelhead are dwindling away, basically dropping dead like poisoned canaries. 


The Wild Fish Conservancy does important work through science, education and advocacy to promote socially responsible habitat and fishery management.  These are some very complicated and socially fraught issues; the Wild Fish Conservancy is an important voice for our rivers and oceans, and the fish that live in them. 


Viva Farms:  The Skagit Valley, our home, is also home to some of the most productive farmland in the world.  As the older farming generation considers retirement, they have a choice:  Sell their land to real estate developers, or to a new generation of farmers. The number of farms in Skagit County has decreased 14% from 2007 to 2017, and American Farmland Trust has designated the region the fifth most threatened agricultural region in the nation.


Viva Farms is a non-profit Farm Business Incubator and Training Program established in 2009. They operate two locations in Skagit County Washington, and one in King County Washington. They lower the barriers for beginning farmers, and create the opportunity for success. Viva Farms has educated over 900 small farmers (150+ Spanish speakers) in sustainable organic farming, and is currently incubating 24 independent farm businesses (7 Latino owned).  We are proud to support Viva Farms!


Forterra:   You you can probably see a theme above in the non-profits we've decided to support for 2019.  It's basically all about the land and water and how it's used in this beautiful place we; Plumeria Bay® and Cascade Made®, call home, the great Pacific Northwest.  We're all connected.


Forterra, Washington States local land trust for nearly 30 years, has secured more than 275,000 acres of land, from acquisition to stewardship to creating livelihoods - maintaining rural economies and ways of life. 


Forterra has protected giant old growth trees and pristine mountaintops, saved farms from becoming sub developments and secured land in the heart of the city for affordable housing.  We are proud to support Forterra in their mission to make this part of our world a better place for generations to come.


San Francisco Baykeeper: San Francisco Bay is one of the most important waterways on the West Coast, and San Francisco Baykeeper has worked to protect and restore this crucial resource since 1989. San Francisco Baykeeper is a founding member of the International Waterkeeper Alliance, and was the first Waterkeeper on the West Coast.


We're All Connected

An image of a mountain lake, woodlands and Mt. Baker in the background



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